siape COMEL ikot sini tau..

Friday, July 13, 2012

pillow-talk :)

Smekom uolss :)

sje nk selit entry d kala pepagi bute (jam skg kol 2.34pg hokeh...!)
ni apesal ak x tido2 lgi??
ko keje sndrik ke Cik NzodOnut oii??
idok le.....
awOk bizi anyam ketupat daun palas td....kuii3

hengat ade org caye??
daun ketupat nk bt anyam pon belit2 jari x reti-reti??

td ade sesi "pillow-talk" jap ngn cik sahabat sorg nih
(nama dirahsiakan ho ho ho)

as usual..
ktorg ni dh jdk cm habit plak...PILLOW-TALK :))

hape bende nk ckp ngn bantal eh..??!!

bidalan jek lebey pde luahan..
curahan rase ati...
kire time nih laa nk kuar isu mcm2 pon ley jdk topik
he he he

tp kn ak ase pillow-talk amat mujarab skali...
psai pa nk tau??

kite kdg2 dok stress bagai klo ade problem ke hape..
dok pendam...pendamm smpai kebam mulot x luah2 kt org..
(kire nk bercerite tp x stori2 lgik)
so........sesi pillow-talk laa penyelamat anda :p

so legaaaaaaaaaaa & feel fresh hokehh!

***kokkkk kokkk kokkkk koooooookkkkkkkkkk (bunyik ayam kol 2.40am)

so..ape tgu lgi...
bg kt luar tuh yg x penah nk b'pillow-talk nk org...
cube laa cr sahabat or kenalan kome yg ase leh trust 
tuk cerite segala mcm luahan ati kome yg bejela2 tuh......
x tips ak bg tuk kome klo ase nk b'pillow-talk laa....

TAPI kan...

klo nk b'pillow-talk ngn ak...
make sure bwk skali Dominos ke..Pizza ke..Mekdi ke...okeh! haha

p/s: if u felt liltle stress on ur life...felt wanna share bout ur probs or whatsover thing to share..juz seek 4 sumeone that u can trust to them / story to them......hopefully it can released ur burden & cheer up u again........okep! chill~ 

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